To import a profile from an external source, you must first create an import request. When the request is initiated, the provider profile record will be created with a “Pending” status. When complete, the status will change to “Completed”.
If the request is successful, the provider profile will have a “Profile" value. If an error occurs, the profile will have a "FailureCode" and "FailureDescription" value.
Bad Request
Server Error
{- "providerId": "4834bcdc-4a64-444d-966b-1a6fe381da24",
- "source": "Npi"
{- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "providerId": "4834bcdc-4a64-444d-966b-1a6fe381da24",
- "source": "Npi",
- "started": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "completed": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "status": "Pending",
- "trigger": "Manual",
- "failureCode": "DatabaseError",
- "failureReason": {
- "messageTemplate": "string",
- "messageParams": {
- "property1": "string",
- "property2": "string"
}, - "profile": {
- "type": "Npi",
- "npiNumber": 0,
- "enumerationType": "string",
- "basic": {
- "replacementNpi": 0,
- "ein": "string",
- "organizationName": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "firstName": "string",
- "middleName": "string",
- "namePrefix": "string",
- "nameSuffix": "string",
- "credential": "string",
- "enumerationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "lastUpdateDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "certificationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "isSoleProprietor": true,
- "isOrganizationalSubpart": true,
- "parentOrganizationLbn": "string",
- "parentOrganizationTin": "string",
- "authorizedOfficialNamePrefix": "string",
- "authorizedOfficialNameSuffix": "string",
- "authorizedOfficialCredential": "string",
- "authorizedOfficialFirstName": "string",
- "authorizedOfficialLastName": "string",
- "authorizedOfficialMiddleName": "string",
- "authorizedOfficialTelephoneNumber": "string",
- "authorizedOfficialTitleOrPosition": "string",
- "deactivationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "reactivationDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "gender": "string",
- "status": "string",
- "name": "string"
}, - "otherNames": [
- {
- "nameTypeCode": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "firstName": "string",
- "middleName": "string",
- "prefix": "string",
- "suffix": "string",
- "credential": "string",
- "type": "string",
- "organizationName": "string"
], - "addresses": [
- {
- "addressLine1": "string",
- "addressLine2": "string",
- "state": "AL",
- "postalCode": "string",
- "countryCode": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "telephoneNumber": "string",
- "faxNumber": "string",
- "purpose": "Location",
- "updateDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
], - "practiceLocations": [
- {
- "addressLine1": "string",
- "addressLine2": "string",
- "state": "AL",
- "postalCode": "string",
- "countryCode": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "telephoneNumber": "string",
- "faxNumber": "string",
- "purpose": "Location",
- "updateDate": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z"
], - "taxonomies": [
- {
- "code": "string",
- "license": "string",
- "state": "AL",
- "isPrimary": true,
- "description": "string",
- "taxonomyGroup": "string"
], - "identifiers": [
- {
- "number": "string",
- "code": "string",
- "state": "AL",
- "issuer": "string",
- "description": "string"
], - "isDeactivated": true,
- "deactivationReason": "string"
}, - "parameters": [
- {
- "addressType": "Unspecified",
- "addressLine": "string",
- "addressLine2": "string",
- "city": "string",
- "state": "AL",
- "zipCode": "string",
- "type": "Name"